Our digital realities.

Don’t push. Het internet is schijn.
Ik ben een early adapter als het om digitale zaken gaat. Al tijdens mijn studie werkte ik op de Commodore 64, en met MS-DOS computers. Toen de MacIntosh uit kwam, kocht ik er een en toen Jobs de Next ontwikkelde, verdiepte ik me in dat systeem. Toen Jobs terugkwam en OSX introduceerde was ik geshockeerd—dat…
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Yosemite install? Press Command-L
I installed Yosemite on my Mac Pro a few months after it came out. The Mac Pro has three harddisks and may be extra complicated, which might explain what happened: Hours after the progress bar of the install said it would be finished in 3 minutes, nothing else happened. So I made THE biggest mistake…
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Against automatic entry of dia-critical marks, again.
So a new OS comes along, Yosemite, and the irritating auto “correcting” of words is, again, re-installed (See this previous comment). But this time I find that Apple allows us to switch it off, and it is actually switched off, too! 1. Open System Preferences from the Apple menu as usual, then go to…
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Here is bug-ware that adds links to words in the websites you visit. Clicking on them takes you away from where you want to be. If you opt out of this nonsense that is recorded in a cookie. If you ever remove the many cookies that flock your computer (as I do regularly) the links…
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Finally, away with the automated entering of diacritical marks!
As I reported earlier, I have been having great trouble removing the so-called feature of OS X Lion to automatically replace vowels with one of their diacritical replacements, or nothing—if you happen not to notice the options (which happens all the time when you are a fast typer such as myself). It seems there is…
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TinkerTool to the rescue
In response to renewed problem’s with Lion’s feature/bug of finsishing diacritical letters (see this previous complaint), I have probably found the solution in the excellent free system tweaker software: The problem: following my own didn’t seem to be working, at least not in TeXShop, the graphical interface I use for writing in LaTeX: vowels…
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This is not a feature
Lion (Mac OS 10.7) introduced a device that comes in handy when you use an iPad or iPhone: a way to produce accented letters without having to use three key-combinations: simply hold down the base-letter long enough for all the alternatives to appear and then pick the one needed. I am on a real computer…
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Dictatoriale Websites
Dit blog bij voorbeeld presenteert gewoon wat krenten uit mijn pap — wie dat leuk vindt leest door en, als men iets bepaalds zoekt, kijkt men naar de rubrieken of gebruikt men de zoekmachine. Wat zei ik ook alweer ooit over televisie? Zoek en lees. Maar er zijn websites die voor hun gebruikers bedoeld zijn…
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blog Rejuvenated
New category: papers. With the migration to WordPress my blog has been restyled, and shuffled. I also added a new category, “papers” which assembles papers and presentations as soon as they are available. The idea is to give you the abstract and a link to the file. And as of now new additions to this…
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Cleaning up the In-box
I simply must share this hint about Mac OS X It solved this issue I was having: my in-box fills with great speed and it is taking me much dedication and time to keep it under 100 messages, which to my mind is the absolute maximum for the mailbox to be overseeable. So everyday…
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