Our digital realities.

Rob van Gerwens academische website
Deze website is in de zomer volledig geredigeerd en overzichtelijker gemaakt.U vindt nu op iedere pagina overzichtelijke menu’s, die verwijzen naar de hoofdrubrieken ‘Teaching’, ‘Research’ en ‘Weblog’, alsook naar de subcategorieën daaronder. Alleen CSS-savvy webbrowsers zullen ook submenu’s te voorschijn brengen.
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Upgrading my iMac
I have just upgraded a three year old Strawberry (Rev. A, 266Mhz) tray-loading iMac with more RAM (from 96 to 640Mb) and a larger HD (from 6 to 40Gb) using this excellent How to upgrade an iMac, from Macworld.Of course, after this hardware upgrade, I want to run OS X on this machine. Troubles, no….
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Weblog reshuffled
Had to break a few weblog-links as I have reshuffled some of the directories in my blog.
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websites updated
I just finished redesigning the biggest part of my websites, using only CSS2-specifications. You’ll find a new navigation with menus, and no JavaScripting.I have also changed the routes for the visitor to follow, in an effort to make the sites more transparent. I sincerely hope I succeeded in this.What did I use? BBEdit, Anarchie, Blapp,…
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Netscape all over again
I have no idea what is the matter with Mozilla (a lot is), but I decided to switch back to good old Netscape (7.02) again. Safari still provides the most beautiful rendering of webpages, but it does not show the ‘titles’ of links and acronyms, and I am quite fond of these.
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No questions
Maybe, weblogs are not meant to ask questions. Maybe all we are supposed to do is tell y’all how we think about it. All right with me. MP3 and the Internet I’ve been looking for ways to strip MP3s legally from the internet. I’ve tried StreamripperX, which is great software. Unfortunately it rips streams of…
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What I use for building my sites, etc.
A Macintosh G4 All my good work is done on a Macintosh G4, running under OS X 10.2.6. I have my local Apache web serving installed in such manner as to be able to see for myself what the server side includes and cgi-scripts do, before uploading my pages. Things work as expected, for mainly…
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Fugu question
Can someone please tell me whether Fugu has the sorting power that we appreciate so much in our Finder windows? I see no possibility to sort the items in a Fugu window, relative to kind, name, modification date, etc. Instead, Fugu confronts me with a listing of my files which holds no order at all,…
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