Philosophy of the Arts


websites updated

I just finished redesigning the biggest part of my websites, using only CSS2-specifications. You’ll find a new navigation with menus, and no JavaScripting.
I have also changed the routes for the visitor to follow, in an effort to make the sites more transparent.
I sincerely hope I succeeded in this.
What did I use? BBEdit, Anarchie, Blapp, Bloxsom, Camino, Safari, and Mozilla.
I did something to my weblog as well: I restored its logic. From now on you’ll find the recent changes on top of the list, as it should be.
I used to rework entries time and again, which made them pop up on top of the list even though no reader could see the differences with last time. No more of that. Whenever I want to rework a set of entries into a new whole, I shall move it to a section of my website, called “Directions”. If you’re interested in philosophy, you may want to look there every now and again. It is the place where arguments are turned into papers and chapters.

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