Our digital realities.

Internet Explorer, pursued
In the never-ending story about how to make Internet Explorer show my sites like they are meant to be shown I seem to have arrived at a decisive break-through. Today I removed the CSS-dropdown menus from the MSIE CSS-sheet and added something way simpler for IE to show in its stead. I have great hopes…
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CSS Opacity in Mozilla and IE
CSS Opacity, By Michelle Goodrich — Mandarin Design. Tips on introducing more or less opaque images by mere use of CSS-styling. Looked into it; seems great. Accessibly explained too. Thanks Michelle. Got this tip from Xiffy = thanks again. The link above is from Thanks to Thony!
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drop-down menus restored
Little did I know that MS Internet Explorer® did not render the drop-down menus that I so meticulously deviced for my sites. One look at a Windows machine showed differently. So I had to set out to rework the CSS-code once more. Thank God, Suckerfish explains everything neatly. And now, my academic sites work fine…
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Consilium Philosophicum: website up to date
De website van mijn bedrijf is opnieuw grondig herzien, herstyled, en inhoudelijk bijgewerkt.
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CP: website up to date
De website van mijn bedrijf is weer eens grondig herzien en inhoudelijk bijgewerkt.
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As you can see, I have restyled my weblog. The lay-out is fluid, now. I.e., if you resize the window or the font-size you won’t seriously disturb the way it all looks. As alway, something is rendered wrongly in Internet Explorer (for Mac): this time, it is the buttons on top of the page. They…
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TeX capacity exceeded, sorry
Typesetting a BibteX-file (not all that large: 220KB) in TexShop brought me no trouble whatsoever, but in Terminal got me this fatal failure: ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [save size=5000]. <to be read again> { l.5493 It took me a lot of reading, checking and surfing to track down the cause: memory use. Before enlarging…
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Explorer to the rescue
Of course, I knew it, restyling a website and making it work under Internet Explorer are two things. Different worlds really. What you see in real browsers is not what you get in Explorer, but it’ll do. There are still some unpredictable results to be expected in Explorer, but what to do about them? Cheers.
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Temporary silence
Wednesday February 16, my websites and weblog will be temporarily unavailable due to hardware reparations.
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Vital Internet-advice
For vastly revamping the site of the NEDERLANDS GENOOTSCHAP VOOR ESTHETICA (Dutch Association of Aesthetics), recently, I made use, as always (!), of Jeffrey Zeldman’s AListApart. Results will be online soon. I also took good advices from:→ AvoidingHacks (which taught me how to write code applicable internet-wide, i.e. even by Internet Explorer, without applying too…
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