Philosophy of the Arts


Integer, drie maal anders (Dutch)

In this paper I discuss issues to do with the moral limitations of presenting human remains in medical archives. I distinguish the person from his or her body, and argue that medics contribute to the maintenance of the body but have little to nothing to do with the person whose body it is that they maintain, although maintaining the body is undertaken, in the end, for the sake of maintaining the person. The person, I argue, is constituted by other persons, in a continuous exchange of gazes.
Presentation of human remains may be defended for the sake of developing our scientific and technical means of body-maintenance, but this legitimation may conflict with the interests of people related to the person involved.

“Integer, drie maal anders: integere lichamen, integere personen, integere afbeeldingen” was presented at an expert meeting organised by Stichting Academisch Erfgoed: (Hoe) presenteer je medisch erfgoed?, Universiteitsmuseum, Utrecht, November 22, 2010.

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