Philosophy of the Arts


Presentations in LATEX (prosper)

There is no real need for PowerPoint® to do your slide-presentations. In LATEX, we use the prosper class (built on the seminar-package). It’ll produce presentations to be viewed in a PDF-reader, like Acrobat’s.
You’ll need a standard TEX installation (use Gerben Wierda’s i-Installer for that purpose; make sure to include Ghostscript), plus these packages:
prosper (check here for dependencies for prosper; clicking around will provide you with beautiful examples as well)
You’ll find all these at the ctan catalogue.

You can run prosper in TeXShop, pick menu Typeset/TEX+Ghostscript
or in the Terminal
prompt:: simpdftex latex --maxpfb filename.tex; open filename.pdf

As always, it is bit of a pain to get everything installed and working (I was successful on my Powerbook, but not yet on my desktop G4 ….), but once it works, it works, and provides one with beautifully typeset presentations.
I am a still learning its tricks, but first impressions are promising.

Make sure to also check this message on the beamer-class.

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